Pastor A. M. Hedgepeth
Pastor A.M. Hedgepeth the youngest of seventeen children, is a native of Raleigh NC and has over years 30 years of ministerial experience. Pastor Hedgepeth has been married to his wife Phyllis for over thirty years and together they have four children, Travis, Erica, Gabriel and Alphonzo II. In 2000 Pastor Hedgepeth received his bachelor’s degree in Religion and Philosophy from Shaw University and completed his Master of Divinity in 2005.
Pastor Hedgepeth is the Founder and Executive Director of Fresh Anointing Ministries. Pastor Hedgepeth has extensive experience in counseling, communications, teaching, leadership and administrative services. His ministry work has included teaching adult and children Sunday school classes, presiding over various organizational programs and services and organizing various outreach programs.
His schedule includes public speaking engagements for various churches and community-oriented organizations.